Showing 1 - 7 of 7
Within the EU, there is no common policy on migration; there are common policies on certain aspects of migration. The Member States fear of migration, but their economies and societies will further need migrant workers. Labour force migration have positive, but also negative consequences for all...
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The migration phenomenon has always existed, fluctuating by the historic context, the economic, political, social and demographic disparities between the Central and East European countries and the EU Member States, the interdependencies between the origin and receiving countries and the...
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­The literature devoted to economic development concerns itself in a growing de­gree with the role and importance of institutions­­­
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Romanian Abstract: În perioada 9-11 iulie 2004, Convenţia Organizaţiilor de Media a adoptat Statutul Jurnalistului şi Codul Deontologic al Jurnalistului. Convenţia Organizaţiilor de Media (COM) este formată din 33 de asociaţii şi sindicate ale jurnaliştilor, tipografilor şi...
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The paper presents the role of the National Radio in socialization process. Also, the author analyses the Majestic Experiment for the radio theatre audition with students.
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The study is beginning with some statistical data illustrating that the intellectual lies among the branches of the social sciences are very weak.
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Romanian Abstract: Criza globală care a afectat întreaga Planetă Pământ ne-a demonstrat că nu suntem pregătiţi pentru a face faţă provocărilor tot mai complexe ale momentului. Tranziţia la societatea sănătoasă de mâine, pe care am numit-o societatea ecolonomică presupune...
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