Showing 1 - 10 of 79
The main objective of the present approach is, first of all, to analyse the "transaction costs" concept and then to prove scientifically the relation transaction costs – institutions.
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The study defines the three types of convergence – institutional, nominal and real ones –, the connection among them and their main measurement indicators. 
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This paper focuses on the role of institutions in enhancing economic growth. Attention to the institutional environment has become increasingly common in economic history and it has deeply enriched our understanding of how economies develop through time. Economic development is no longer...
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During the decision process, one has to take into consideration more than one criterion, the alternative that meets as many criteria as possible being chosen eventually. As it is impossible to reach the maximum level that is wished for separately for each criterion at the same time, one has to...
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The analysis of the profitability is a central point of the economic and financial system indicators at the microeconomic level. All the entities the firm has business with are directly interested in the positive result of its activity. We present a logical approach of the main possibilities for...
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Această lucrare scoate în evidenţă importanţa implicării personalului bancar în procesul de ameliorare continuă a calităţii serviciilor oferite clienţilor. Fără implicarea angajaţilor în demersul calităţii, nici o teorie sau idee formulată şi susţinută de conducerea de vârf...
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The term "electronic banking" or "ebanking" covers both computer and telephone banking. Using computer banking, a charity’s computer either dials directly into its bank's computer or gains access to the bank’s computer over the internet. Using telephone banking, the charity controls its bank...
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The IT revolutions change the economic behaviour until the microeconomic level.
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This article explores the development of the Romanian retail market, the recent evolutions on this market and the impact of the recent conflict between the retailers and the Romanian producers, starting from current questions not only in Romania but also at European level. The beginning of this...
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Această lucrare scoate în evidenţă importanţa procesului de analiză şi soluţionare corespunzătoare a reclamaţiilor primite de către băncile comerciale de la clienţi. Reclamaţiile clienţilor trebuie privite pozitiv. Ele reprezintă vocea clientului, transmiţând un mesaj cu...
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