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The qualitative and quantitative investigation of the curricular documents that regulate high school education (the model of the graduate of compulsory and high school education, the plan - framework and the curricula) reveals that the concept of “critical thinking” is used constantly by...
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Romanian Abstract: Această lucrare abordează câteva dintre principalele obiective ale analizei trendurilor seriilor de timp discrete. Un aspect major al acestei analize constă în identificarea unui model matematic ce descrie tendinţa persistentă pe termen lung a evoluţiei variabilei...
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Romanian Abstract: Seriile de timp discrete sunt utilizate destul de frecvent pentru a caracteriza evoluţiile variabilelor. Trendul unei astfel de evoluţii, care descrie tendinţa pe termen lung, este, alături de variaţiile ciclice, mişcările sezoniere şi fluctuaţiile întâmplătoare, o...
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Romanian Abstract: Costurile pot reprezenta un aspect important al deciziilor din afaceri. Cunoaşterea principalelor componente ale costurilor poate fi utilă în planificarea financiară. În plus, comparaţia dintre costul şi preţul unui produs facilitează studiul profitabilităţii...
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Romanian Abstract: Uneori, evoluţiile variabilelor economice sunt caracterizate prin fluctuaţii sezoniere semnificative care pot estompa celelalte componente ale seriilor de timp. În astfel de situaţii se recomandă identificarea şi înlăturarea componentelor sezoniere. Această lucrare...
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to inflation. This paper presents some simple techniques of the real growth assessment …
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analysis of the evolution of CPI and inflation rate in the Rumanian economy. The analysis uses annual and monthly series for …
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leaving aside the inflation, and results cannot be compared. The information of the profit and loss account is reported at the … the methods to analyze sales related profit and the rates of return under conditions of inflation, using present values as …
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date of payment of the debt and to improve the interest dynamics and the currency. The massive capital influxes have led to … expenditures was translated by a continuous increase and a damage of the report between the public debt and PIB across the last … years. Actually, the gross public debt (63% of PIB in 2009) stays at a relatively big level comparing to other countries …
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The Romanian economy goes through a stage of economic unbalances. In this context, the necessity generated by psychological and practical reasons to understand and draft ideas concerning the future behaviour of economic systems such as to overrun the actual condition of our country economy...
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