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Romania was beginning in 1990 a complex process of transition. The Romanian centralized economy has failed and our country was obligated to begin the reforms. These reforms included both the economic area and the social area. In the economic area, the objective of the reforms constituted the...
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Romanian Abstract: Acest studiu analizează bunăstarea financiară și determinanții acesteia, inclusiv alfabetizarea financiară, abordând principalii factori care conduc la nivelul scăzut de incluziune financiară și interdependența dintre dezvoltarea sistemului financiar și educația...
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Romanian Abstract: Adeseori, unele decizii financiare ale familiilor, precum cele care privesc împrumuturile, consumul, economisirea sau investiţiile sunt adoptate în moduri care diferă semnificativ de ipotezele finanţelor tradiţionale. Finanţele comportamentale ale familiei încearcă...
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The paper presents the scientific works of the Romanian researcher Dimitrie Gusti in the sociology and his contribution to the development of Romanian Museum of Village.
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Romanian Abstract: Studiul prezinta date statistice care arata ca jumatate din managerii care au ajuns in functii de conducere nu au studii in domeniu, nici lecturi de management. Nevoia de training si consultanta e foarte mare, dar oamenii nu vor sa aloce bani pentru educatia lor
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Arp poisoning is one of the most common attacks in a switched network. A switch is a network device that limits the ability of attackers that use a packet sniffer to gain access to information from internal network traffic. However, using ARP poisoning the traffic between two computers can be...
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and Intranet. This firewall will filter the packets that transit the network according with the security policy defined at …
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The problem of the industrial objectives security imposes as a fundamental condition of economic efficiency. This is … why is necessary the elaboration of a new concept regarding industrial security. This concept must integrate quality … problems, with technological and ecological characteristics of the industrial objective with the security problems of the …
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The article presents the results of the researches related to the way of obtaining the nutrient supplements for the sportsmen, as an effort-supportive formula, based on natural ingredients, non-contaminated with substances that could harm the health and the elaboration of the methodologies for...
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