Showing 1 - 10 of 19
Economia continua sa schimbe mentalitatile consumatorilor atunci cand trebuie sa adopte o decizie de cumparare. Cel mai important lucru pentru vanzatorii online rezulta din timpul pe care cumparatorii il aloca documentarii, perioada care este in continua crestere, fiind un rezultat al rafinarii...
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Serviciile aeriene reprezinta un segment al economiei globale extrem de sensibil la fluctuatiile economiei mondiale, fiind asociat de catre un segment important de utilizatori ca un serviciu de transport de lux. In acest context, pierderile generate de fluctuatiile frecvente ale economiei...
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In this paper we propose a synthetic analysis of the evolution of the tertiary sector in Gorj county under the pressure of the economic crisis that is felt now more than ever, the tertiary sector whos activities resulted in extremely diverse and constantly expanding services in our county as...
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There is a close link between economic performance and increasing internationalization of SMEs. International activities increase competitiveness and ensure long-term development of enterprises. However, European SMEs still depend largely on their internal markets, notwithstanding the...
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In the past two years, the main topic of discussion was "global economic crisis", why?, what effect?, or when and how to overcome it, "are questions that each and everyone asked themselves once at least in the last twenty-four months. It was discussed and it is still discussing daily on at least...
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The Romanian economy goes through a stage of economic unbalances. In this context, the necessity generated by psychological and practical reasons to understand and draft ideas concerning the future behaviour of economic systems such as to overrun the actual condition of our country economy...
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The global economic instability, at international level, but mainly the Romanian economic crisis, has also affected food industry in an alarming way. In this context, the paper approaches several aspects regarding the possibilities food industry can provide in the field of new jobs creation, the...
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The present financial management systems reflects only partially the economic reality and they are no longer able to act as an instrument for the management. It is absurd that an economy populated by business models based on 21st century technology to use financial management systems based...
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The fiscal policy construction developped at national level is focused on the maintenance of the macroeconomic stability process in order to achieve the nominal and real convergence criteria concerning the membership of the Romanian economy to the European Union integrated monetary space. The...
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Cluster analysis classifies a set of observations into two or more mutually exclusive unknown groups based on combination of interval variables and it has proven to be very useful. The classification aim is grouping the objects between their similarities or dissimilarities and so providing a...
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