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The statistics of the Food and Agriculture World Organization (FAO) estimates an explosion in the urban population increase, in the near future, almost twice between 1995-2020. The increase will mainly be 98%, in the developing countries. From this point of view there will be a real challange...
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The last three decades of the 20th century were characterized by deep mutations of the West-European commerce. On the background of the convergence for the evolution tendencies of the economic field in the EU, there were common orientations in the structure of the distribution network. However...
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Aspectele măsurabile ale procesului de realizare a convergenÅ£ei pe plan economic, a ţărilor UE reprezintă obiectivul principal al acestei lucrări. În acest scop, sunt prezentate ÅŸi aplicate metode statistice ÅŸi econometrice care pot evidenÅ£ia elementele caracteristice...
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financial system development and financial education. To uncover what determinates financial well-being in Romania, a survey … financial education initiatives, including the design of a national strategy for financial education …
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Romanian Abstract: Problematica relaţiilor internaţionale este una de actualitate şi de interes pentru istoriografia europeană, având la bază cunoaşterea legăturilor dintre state, fie ele politice, economice, culturale, militare, religioase etc. Aria cercetării noastre s-a extins, pe de...
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In teoria firmei, in mod natural se pleaca de la premisa ca firma actioneaza ca scop maximizarea profitului. Daca ar fi sa analizam activitatea firmelor, in ansamblu, am putea descoperi ca nu toate programele pe care acestea le deruleaza se inscriu in acest deziderat de maximizare a profitului....
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