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The paper uses standard econometric techniques and the Logistics Performance Index calculated by The World Bank for evaluating the impact of several key macroeconomic variables on the quality of the logistics sector from 42 countries and regions. The regression results and the graphs have...
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In the convergence programme approved by the Hungarian government in September 2006, the "overriding objective" was to promote real convergence. This paper analyses the problems surrounding real convergence, in light of the broader correlations of economic growth relying heavily on the results...
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In a globalizing world, defined by fierce, ever increasing competition, the relocation of services became not simply necessary, but vital for companies and imperative for further fostering their competitiveness.
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Romanian abstract: Aceasta revista trateaza subiecte de istorie, istorie economica, arheologie, sociologie istorica, istorie literara si culturala.English abstract: This journal is about history studies, economics history, cultural history, archaeology, sociology, literature
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The history of the modern world means the history of the capitalist world. Since the beginning of his civilization, the human has based his economical becoming on money, on capital, on accumulation. When we speak of the past of the capitalism, we speak about different periods of time having...
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Dinicu Golescu’s work can both be considered an artistic reportage and an early form of sociology. Admiring the values of Western culture and civilisation, Dinicu Golescu cannot forget the backwardness of his country: economical, political, social and cultural. Back home, he tries to improve...
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În contextul cerinţelor de performanţă impuse de dezvoltarea societăţii bazate pe cunoaştere, privim proprietatea industrială ca pe o pârghie importantă a acesteia. Prin urmare, în acest studiu se prezintă (comparativ) sistemul drepturilor de proprietate industrială şi protecţia...
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În epoca modernă, în care progresul se realizează prin cunoaştere şi se produce/se utilizează cu predilecţie cunoaştere, drepturile de proprietate industrială, protecţia acestora şi instituţiile specializate din domeniu îşi au un important rol dinamizator. Ca urmare, studiul de...
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The present paper sets out a presentation and an analysis of the patent system in the European Union in the context of the new economic policies accompanying the implementation of the Lisbon Strategy.
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