Showing 1 - 10 of 14
The paper analyses the effects of global financial crisis and presents some arguments that can contribute to mitigating the effects of economic and financial crisis, and therefore to maintaining the important role that the credit you have in supporting these efforts.
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L’efficience de l’utilisation des moyens du patrimoine et des capitaux peut être mesurée et analysée, d’une part, à l’aide des indicateurs synthétiques comme la chiffre d’affaire qui revient à 1000 lei patrimoine et capital, la valeur ajoutée qui revient à 1000 lei patrimoine,...
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Increasing trade interdependence among East-Asian countries suggests the urge to design some monetary arrangement to stabilize the macroeconomic framework of an extremely heterogeneously growing area. The paper reviews the literature and analyses several directions of East-Asian integration...
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Romanian Abstract: Articolul de faţă analizează principalele caracteristici ale proiectului privind înfiinţarea unei Uniuni a Pieţelor de Capital, aşa cum sunt ele prezentate de iniţiatorul proiectului, Comisia Europeană, şi de alţi autori care au studiat această temă. Analiza...
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Toate ţările membre ale Uniunii Europene trebuie să asigure armonizarea instrumentelor de politică monetară utilizate cu cele ale Băncii Centrale Europene. Analizând comparativ instrumentele de politică monetară ale Băncii Naţionale a Românei şi pe cele ale Băncii Centrale...
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The basic question I will try to explore is whether the present financial crisis has changed the assessment of the effects of euro adoption by the new member countries (NMC) which are still outside EMU.
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Criza financiara globala a transmis o serie de factori care au agravat situatia economiilor noilor state membre ale Uniunii Europene, pe fondul existentei unor relatii financiare si comerciale puternice cu tarile europene dezvoltate. in acest articol facem o scurta prezentare a unor...
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Romanian Abstract: Această lucrare aduce în atenţie caracteristicile domeniului finanţelor comportamentale. Vom discuta despre posibilitatea de a utiliza metode ale psihologiei cognitive pentru a înţelege dimensiunea iraţională a deciziilor financiare. Vom aborda, de asemenea, procesele...
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This paper aims to highlight the benefits and the importance of investments in economic growth of a country. Global crisis creates impediments in obtaining these investments, which structure was divided into financial investments and real investments. Among the many causes that have helped...
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