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Starting with the XIX century, we assist at one growth of information importance as following of development of government forms more complexes, of concurrence intensification and of development of communications systems. This process has been increased in the lasts years by the development of...
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Touristic activities in Romania during the last years have two main activity directions, one beeing the pursue of touristic programs and projects that have been launched in the prevoius years and that have proven their success and viability both on national and on south-east europeean regional...
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Optiunea pentru o anumita strategie de promovare are la baza cunoasterea caracteristicilor consumatorilor de pe piata tinta. In acest caz, nu se poate vorbi despre o influenta semnificativa a comportamentului consumatorului asupra strategiei de promovare. Influenta este, mai degraba, dinspre...
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Comunicarea de marketing a devenit un fenomen extrem de important prin amploarea si implicatiile sale asupra vietii organizatiilor si a societatii in general. Succesul unei organizatii, atat din punct de vedere economic si financiar, cat si pe plan social, este conditionat de modul in care...
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