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In order for NATO to remain credible and efficient, its new Strategic Concept must address and find solutions to fundamental issues which are likely to define the Alliance’s missions over the next decade, of which the most important ones concern member states’ ability to ensure and reinforce...
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Conceptul de management al relatiilor cu clientii (CRM) a fost intens dezbatut in literatura de management … dispozitiei unei companii de a se adapta la comportamentul specific de cumparare al clientilor. Procesul de initiere si management …
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Specialistii de marketing considera dezvoltarea relatiilor cu clientii o parghie majora a dezvoltarii durabile a organizatiei. Managementul relatiilor cu clientii presupune schimbarea radicala a activitatii si strategiilor organizatiei, in raport cu evolutia traditionala. De la stadiul in care...
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Economia continua sa schimbe mentalitatile consumatorilor atunci cand trebuie sa adopte o decizie de cumparare. Cel mai important lucru pentru vanzatorii online rezulta din timpul pe care cumparatorii il aloca documentarii, perioada care este in continua crestere, fiind un rezultat al rafinarii...
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The reality in all organization is that the directors and board are in the position of highest influence and their primary responsibility is leadership. As such, considering the consequences of a recession such as we currently face is not the time for directors to abdicate their responsibilities...
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Sustainable development implies the assumption of a new strategy at the microeconomic level. The paper presents several … proposals to improve the substantiation and implementation of a strategy adequate to the new challenges of the sustainable …
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intrapreneurial management approach and the concepts derived – intrapreneurial unit, intrapreneur manager, intrapreneurial – strategy … thinking can successfully implement the intrapreneurial management as a progress and generating new value factor. …
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The management is expected to lead the company towards the achievement of set objectives which, in the contemporary …’s management in performing their managerial activities. The contemporary business environment inevitably requires the restructuring … of cost accounting and new approaches to costing and cost management, in the attempt to improve the quality of cost …
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Locuirea urbana constituie rezultatul complexelor functii socio-economice la nivel de grup si individuale care au loc in spatiul orasului. Calitatea urbana consta in gradul de confort de care beneficiaza populatia orasului, mai ridicat decat in restul teritoriului, rezultat al nivelului de...
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compétitivité. Une solution viable est d'adopter une stratégie de la qualité, qui permet de former une perception favorable pour ses … entreprises qui adoptent une telle stratégie fondée sur la qualité. Sont présentés les concepts intégrateurs de la qualité: Total … Quality Control, Company Wide Quality Control, Total Quality Management, et leur importance pour le succès d'un démarche …
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