Showing 1 - 10 of 94
Pentru finansarea activitatii o firma apeleaza la doua categorii de surse financiare: surse proprii si surse imprumutate. Cele doua categorii de surse de finantare identificate se completeaza reciproc, existand anumite proportii intre acestea care trebuie respectate, deoarece apelarea la credite...
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, banks better manage to protect themselves from the risk of loosing a viable client or attracting a potentially bad faith …
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with supervisory practice. Also, the risk of bank audit is presented. …
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The lasts years has seen an explosion of interest in risk management throughout business, the public sector, and … society generally. Textbooks, articles, pamphlets, and other publications on risk management subjects are constantly appearing … risk management has become an international subject. Risk management education is shaped by many variables, including the …
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Romanian Abstract: Previziunea cheltuielilor curente ale perioadei de exploatare este o fazǎ importantǎ a planificǎrii financiare pentru deciziile asupra antreprenoriatului. În aceastǎ lucrare vom aborda unele metode de previziune a cheltuielilor generate de salarii şi de consumul de...
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Romanian Abstract: Planificarea financiarǎ joacǎ un rol major în procesul decizional asupra antreprenoriatului, oferind o imagine a eforturilor şi remuneraţiilor la care se poate aştepta întreprinzǎtorul. În aceastǎ lucrare vom aborda douǎ dintre etapele procesului de planificare...
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The measure of the economic value has become a widely debated issue because, nowadays, more and more companies are focusing on creating value for their shareholders.
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Les transactions effectuées dans le marché globale de capital (qui a le principal component le marché boursier) et les investissements étrangers directs nécessitent une information préalable pour les investiteurs qui ont des fonds pour être placés. Dans ces conditions les informations...
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alternative funding source with lower costs of funds, creating risk transparency, releasing additional capital and increasing the … return on asset and return on equity by moving the assets off balance sheet. At the same time risk transfer has increased … (e.g. credit risk, interest rate risk, etc.) to capital market investors in return for a fair market price. Still as …
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Romanian Abstract: Acest articol se axează pe situaţiile financiare previzionate întocmite prin utilizarea metodei procentului din vânzări. Sunt prezentate avantajele şi dezavantajele acestei metode. De asemenea este prezentat şi un exemplu practice
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