Showing 1 - 10 of 77
This survey analyzes two types of models: 1. Models based on assumptions of monetary and financial market equilibrium disturbance in line with mainstream thinking to believe that is self-regulating market, the units would have rational expectations, an the crisis would be a temporary phenomenon...
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Romanian Abstract: În 2010, piaţa internaţională a aluminiului s-a caracterizat printr-o evoluţie pozitivă, atât din punct de vedere al disponibilităţilor de metal, cât şi al revigorării preţurilor. Conform analiştilor de la Biroul Australian al Agriculturii şi Resurselor (The...
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Romanian Abstract: Climatul economic global din 2010, ce s-a caracterizat printr-o revigorare uşoară după criza începută la sfârşitul anului 2008, a determinat o redresare a cererii mondiale de cositor, însă oferta foarte redusă a bulversat piaţa, iar preţurile acestui metal au...
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Romanian Abstract: Articolul analizează influenţele ce au determinat trendul prețurilor cositorului la Bursa de Metale de la Londra și Bursa Cositorului de la Kuala Lumpur, identificând situaţiile caracteristice pieţei internaţionale din anul 2011. De semenea, articolul examinează...
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Romanian Abstract: În 2011, piaţa internaţională a aluminiului a fost influenţată de climatul economic mondial, caracterizat prin turbulenţe bursiere, în condiţiile crizei financiare din unele state membre ale Uniunii Europene, ale cutremurului devastator ce a lovit Japonia în luna...
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A number of macroeconomic troubles led the Hungarian Government to the introduction of an adjustment program in July 2006.
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During last decades the interest to financial stability and, as a result, to regulatory and supervisory issues has …
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Reinsurance has an important role as it fulfills the following functions: offers capacity, creates stability …
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The scope of this article is to present how the Romania’s counties evolved, relying on certain main indicators meant to find the level of cultural, social and economic development for the period 2004-2007. As three aspects considered as “hidden” factors are to be analyzed by several...
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The paper aims to evaluate the opportunity of using mathematic estimation models within economic discounting computation. Several approximation models from the numerical methods theory will be considered in order to determine the evolution trend for investment projects’ economic indicators....
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