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financial system development and financial education. To uncover what determinates financial well-being in Romania, a survey … financial education initiatives, including the design of a national strategy for financial education …
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Romanian Abstract: Problematica relaţiilor internaţionale este una de actualitate şi de interes pentru istoriografia europeană, având la bază cunoaşterea legăturilor dintre state, fie ele politice, economice, culturale, militare, religioase etc. Aria cercetării noastre s-a extins, pe de...
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In teoria firmei, in mod natural se pleaca de la premisa ca firma actioneaza ca scop maximizarea profitului. Daca ar fi sa analizam activitatea firmelor, in ansamblu, am putea descoperi ca nu toate programele pe care acestea le deruleaza se inscriu in acest deziderat de maximizare a profitului....
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În literatura de specialitate s-au consacrat o serie de modele ÅŸi metode de măsurare a timpului necesar pentru a recupera decalajele dintre diferite sisteme, prin determinarea ritmului de dezvoltare pentru a ajunge la un anumit nivel de referinţă, într-o perioadă determinată...
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The success of the education system in Romania will be possible only through a network of long-term educational viable … universities on an increasingly demanding and more aware market. Consequently, higher education studies institutions will have to … meet as soon as possible the requirements of this market and to provide solutions to the needs of education and research …
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Human development and social cohesion are not only important component, but essential premises and powerful drivers of sustainable development also.
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This paper refers only to the performance in didactic process, that is, in the activities of didactic personnel with the students. The study is based on the author’s experience in some programs conducted within the Bucharest Academy of Economic Studies.
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production factor. In the same time, the paper illustrates the influence of the knowledge over the higher education system … integrated part of the research program “Micro and macro systemic efficiency in Romanian higher education activity” (CNCSIS cod …
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This paper presents the two most important factors that influence the development of quality management in education … adapted and implemented in the education system case, too. …
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The article analyzes the necessity for studying the efficiency in the education area. In the same time, the discussion … is an integrated part of the research program Micro and macrosystemic efficiency in Romanian higher education activity …
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