Showing 1 - 10 of 18
The deterioration of the environment is caused by the existence of large urban agglomeration whose main problem is that these are areas where are converging progressive forces which ensure the development of the society on the one hand, as well phenomenon which emphasizes the degradation of the...
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The integration process represents an important element for the modernisation process of the marketing department within the agriculture fieeld and food industry.
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The statistics of the Food and Agriculture World Organization (FAO) estimates an explosion in the urban population increase, in the near future, almost twice between 1995-2020. The increase will mainly be 98%, in the developing countries. From this point of view there will be a real challange...
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The paper presents an evaluation of the effects generated by the Common Agricultural Policy adoption in the eight Central and East-European countries that joined the European Union in the year 2004.
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The article approaches the characteristic, the organization, the coordination, the functioning, the mechanism for setting and the results of the channels of the products obtained from sheep: meat, milk and wool in Romania.
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Locuirea urbana constituie rezultatul complexelor functii socio-economice la nivel de grup si individuale care au loc in spatiul orasului. Calitatea urbana consta in gradul de confort de care beneficiaza populatia orasului, mai ridicat decat in restul teritoriului, rezultat al nivelului de...
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Sistemele urbane devin din ce in ce mai complexe, la fel si structurile si normele politice si sociale, sistemele de infrastructura si tehnologiile elaborate. Se impune in acest context elaborarea unor modele de simulare urbana operationale care sa conduca la o imbunatatire a calitatii...
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Anumite orase, regiuni si tari duc o lupta acerba pentru supravietuire, in timp ce altele se lupta pentru suprematie. Suprematia este asigurata de un management urban prolific, de accesul la resurse, de calitatea politicilor publice si nu in ultimul rand de calitatea si competitivitatea...
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Obiectivele dezvoltarii durabile ale asezarilor umane sunt legate de controlul evolutiei spatiului urban, in vederea edificarii unui sistem mai echilibrat,in special urmarirea dinamicii cresterii oraselor, atenuarea segregarii spatiale si sociale Indeosebi in marile orase, problemele de mediu si...
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Orice element si orice act al vietii urbane are un continut si un cost energetic. In toate epocile, orasul a fost un loc privilegiat, in care s-a concentrat cererea de energie. Principalele sectoare cu consum energetic, in mediul urban, sunt industria, menajele - la care se adauga in mod...
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