Showing 1 - 10 of 21
Romanian Abstract: Sub egida globalizării şi internaţionalizării economiilor, procese realizate sub impactul presiunilor financiare în care se mai fac resimţite efectele crizei economico - financiare, fiecare ţară, organizaţie, entitate şi chiar individ în parte, trebuie să...
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Romanian Abstract: Scopul acestui articol este acela de a arăta importanţa industriei extractive, atât la nivel naţional, cât şi la nivel european şi mondial, în timp constatându-se cu temei, faptul că, acest sector practic implică în mod direct un aspect delicat, respectiv cel de...
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Cet article porte sur la notion de gouvernance d’entreprise à travers ses contenus et son évolution. Depuis une vision disciplinaire jusque dans sa dimension cognitive nous nous interrogeons sur l’existence (ou non) d’un modèle unique vers lequel les systèmes de gouvernance tendent ou...
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Sustainable excellence is a modern field of research, a problem for both managers and scientists. The paper offers a method in order to guide the steps toward sustainable development of the industrial companies.With the help of 21 criteria it is measured the increasing accumulated synergy of the...
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This article presents the main instruments of the “management of innovation” from the Lisbon Strategy perspective. According to this Strategy until the year 2010 the economy of the European Union have to become the most dynamic and competitive one.
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Industrial enterprises have to face to more and greater national and international competition and this generates a continuous pressure over them. This desideratum has to be approached with some sufficient distinct means from which the automation is only one moreover possibility. So in this...
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Irrespective of their size, companies seem to be more efficient when they compete with one another, and more creative when they co-operate. 
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The paper deals with the ways how the intangible assets and other objects of intellectual property are identified and assessed at the Research Institute INFOSIT SA in order to participate at national, European and international research projects and for developing partnerships with innovative...
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Romanian Abstract: Acest articol se axează pe situaţiile financiare previzionate întocmite prin utilizarea metodei procentului din vânzări. Sunt prezentate avantajele şi dezavantajele acestei metode. De asemenea este prezentat şi un exemplu practice
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Romanian Abstract: Derularea profitabilă a oricărei afaceri presupune printre multe altele necesitatea unei organizări riguroase, atât la nivel structural, cât şi procesual, precum şi un sistem Pornind de la aceste considerente, în cadrul cercetării doctorale ne-am propus să...
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