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Le libéralisme, comme nouvelle orientation théorique et pratique, a pris forme graduellement; il n’est pas uniquement une doctrine qui repose sur une politique économique et sociale libérale. Au XVIIIe st XIXe siècles, le libéralisme s’est manifesté dans sa forme classique, qui...
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The main objective of the present approach is, first of all, to analyse the "transaction costs" concept and then to prove scientifically the relation transaction costs – institutions.
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Romanian Abstract: Teoriile privind deficitul bugetar au cunoscut multe evoluţii şi puncte de vedere divergente. Economistul Paul Krugman vedea in deficitul bugetar una dintre cele mai mari invenţii în materie de finanţe, o bază importantă pentru dezvoltarea viitoare. Robert Eisner un...
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Universul bancar se caracterizează prin multiple dimensiuni ale riscurilor financiare care afectează performanţele. Această multiplicare a riscurilor bancare ridică probleme de definire a diferitelor riscuri. În aceşti ultimi ani s-au făcut progrese odată cu reglementarea riscurilor...
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This paper presents a concret model of comparative quality educational process from an university, based on particular indicators system. In the same time is presented a comparation between traditional education system and education based on total quality system..
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In this paper we present an alternative bio-epistemological-based approach to economic ethics issues, which suggests that economists need not only an understanding of the ecosystem in terms of irreversibility, but even more, an understanding of the way the process in ecosystem make actual the...
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The ideas have a fundamental importance for world’s destiny.
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Romanian Abstract: Uniunea Europeană şi Piaţa sa unică au generat în ultimii 50 de ani noioportunităţi pentru companiile europene, care şi-au îmbunătăţit competitivitatea internă şiinternaţională, au creat noi locuri de muncă şi au oferit consumatorilor europeni...
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This paper presents a few general considerations regarding the SAPARD Program (Agriculture and Rural Development Special Preaccession Program). The SAPARD Program represent one of the three European Union financial instruments (ISPA, PHARE and SAPARD) assisting candidate countries to prepare...
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Romanian Abstract: Studiul prezinta date statistice care arata ca jumatate din managerii care au ajuns in functii de conducere nu au studii in domeniu, nici lecturi de management. Nevoia de training si consultanta e foarte mare, dar oamenii nu vor sa aloce bani pentru educatia lor
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