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The internet represents new opportunities for the traditional companies, including the diversification of the given services and also the promotion of the new ones, which are personalized and attractive and they are possible thanks to the information and communication technologies. According to...
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The author of this work reveals a few of the processes from contemporary economy which require the reorganization of commodities offer. The globalism, the free trade, the buyer’s emancipation and other processes, they all generate conditions for the unconventional’s affirmation within the...
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One of the main globalization process effect is the increase of dependency among the economic actors. Networking is the response to the companies’ need of dealing with a high complex and liquid environment. The network brings to its members the opportunity to share risks and uncertainty. Based...
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The anthropologists have pointed out the existence of many thinking currents and schools in the field of organizational culture. The study of this culture became more and more important as the transnational companies have developed day by day. Having in mind the process of internationalization...
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Globalization is the rapid increase in cross-border economic, social, technological exchange under the conditions of capitalism. International trade and investment have been the engines of world growth over the past 50 years. The tons of goods traded around the world have grown by 16 times since...
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Successful economic development is a process of successive upgrading. As nations develop, they progress in terms of their characteristic competitive advantage and modes of competing.
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Această lucrare scoate în evidenţă importanţa implicării personalului bancar în procesul de ameliorare continuă a calităţii serviciilor oferite clienţilor. Fără implicarea angajaţilor în demersul calităţii, nici o teorie sau idee formulată şi susţinută de conducerea de vârf...
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This article explores the development of the Romanian retail market, the recent evolutions on this market and the impact of the recent conflict between the retailers and the Romanian producers, starting from current questions not only in Romania but also at European level. The beginning of this...
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Această lucrare scoate în evidenţă importanţa procesului de analiză şi soluţionare corespunzătoare a reclamaţiilor primite de către băncile comerciale de la clienţi. Reclamaţiile clienţilor trebuie privite pozitiv. Ele reprezintă vocea clientului, transmiţând un mesaj cu...
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Organizational group can be defined as some persons between who exist interactive connections (functional, communication, affective, normative type). Classification of these groups can reflect the dimension, type of relationship or type of rules included. Organizational groups and their...
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