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<span lang=\"\\"\\\\"\\\\\\\\"EN-GB\\\\\\\\"\\\\"\\"\" style=\"\"\"\"font-family: \">Drawing on recent literature on the issue of services offshoring, this essay aims to give an overall picture on the dynamics, scale and effects of this phenomenon in Romania.</span>
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The study begins establishing the risk for the foreign direct investments of the international corporations. 
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The English version of the article can be found at: '' Abstract: Creşterea exporturilor prin stimularea investiţiilor strǎine directe ar putea fi o soluţie pentru problema deficitelor persistente ale balanţei...
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The World Trade Organization represents the common institutional framework to carry on the commercial relations among its members on the basis of the accepted international principles endorsed by agreements for standardization and certification, using of sanitary and phytosanitary measures,...
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Romanian Abstract: În articolul de față este analizată una dintre cele mai importante ipoteze care stau labaza majorității studiilor care evaluează impactul economic al încheierii unui acord comercial bilateralSUA-UE: reducerea barierelor netarifare. Am luat în considerare studiile...
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Paradigma optimalităţii în dezvoltarea economică sau socială şi-a demonstrat caracterul inadecvat şi, în consecinţă, trebuie înlocuită c paradigma sustenabilităţii. În acest context, studiul are drept scop propunerea unor proceduri şi instrumente prin intermediul cărora să se...
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In an attempt to stay on the market in a more and more competitive environment, banks turn to classifying clients in behavioral types and consequently adapt their offer, their dialogue and negotiation techniques and also their selling tactics. The final goal is to maintain and attract a market...
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This paper starts with the FDI (Foreign Direct Investments) impact analysis to main macroeconomic indicators (total … macroeconomic indicators. Also, this study analysis, the relationship between FDI, productivity and labours market related to FDI …
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