Showing 51 - 60 of 76
The redistribution, i.e. social transfers (benefits), taxes and social contributions, has an important contribution in reducing income inequality and polarization, the tax-benefit system being the main instrument of the income policy. The paper presents the results of an evaluation of the impact...
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Serviciile aeriene reprezinta un segment al economiei globale extrem de sensibil la fluctuatiile economiei mondiale, fiind asociat de catre un segment important de utilizatori ca un serviciu de transport de lux. In acest context, pierderile generate de fluctuatiile frecvente ale economiei...
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Intr-o lume grabita si agitata, care pe zi ce trece devine tot mai greu de inteles, este important ca etica sa nu fie tratata drept ceva indepartat de viata reala, o disciplina care isi are locul doar in bibliotecile universitatilor. Etica vorbeste despre valori, despre bine si rau; atat oamenii...
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on their internal markets, notwithstanding the opportunities created to the single market and globalization in general. A …
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Les transactions effectuées dans le marché globale de capital (qui a le principal component le marché boursier) et les investissements étrangers directs nécessitent une information préalable pour les investiteurs qui ont des fonds pour être placés. Dans ces conditions les informations...
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Supply Chain Management is a distinctive product, with a tremendous impact on the software applications market. SCM applications are back-end solutions intended to link suppliers, manufacturers, distributors and resellers in a production and distribution network, which allows the enterprise to...
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the economic globalization. …
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The pharmaceutical industry is a very unique and spectacular industry, with an impressive evolution along the 20th and the beginning of the 21st centuries, as well as facing a challenging future. The situation in the industry has spectacularly changed in the past two decades, leading to new...
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