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Romanian Abstract: Sesizarea CJUE pentru pronunţarea unor hotărâri prealbile cu privire la interpretara dreptului Uniunii Europene nu poate avea un scop pur teoretic (de ex. Ordonanţa Curţii din 7 octombrie 2013 în cauza C-82/13) ci unul în mod necesar practic, de natură a permite...
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In the strategic analysis based on value chain concept, logistics represents main activities. Competing on the global market increase the importance of specific operations like transport of merchandise, warehouse exploitation, i.e. Creating and sustaining competitive advantage in the field of...
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Logistics management has always been critical for business competitiveness. Companies are trying to make their activity more efficient by reducing costs for storing and transportation. Also they want to be able to respond more rapidly to customer needs by implementing a delivery system that can...
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The normalisation of behaviours in economy starts with the definition of conduct rules and of defence means.
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Throughout the EU, retailing is increasingly becoming dominated by a small number of supermarket chains.
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The purpose of this paper is to investigate the distinctive characteristics of the competitive mechanism in the digital economy and information product markets. Specific properties of digital goods and information markets are considered.
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The reality in all organization is that the directors and board are in the position of highest influence and their primary responsibility is leadership. As such, considering the consequences of a recession such as we currently face is not the time for directors to abdicate their responsibilities...
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Pornim de la observarea empirică a unei caracteristici a pieţei de consultanţă în management din România, reprezentată de dezechilibrul existent între localizarea cererii şi ofertei de servicii de consultanţă: cererea tinde să fie mai uniform distribuită geografic decât oferta,...
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The main goal of this paper is to propose a mathematical model which can be easily used by the strategic managers of any organisation that initiates a virtual enterprise in Romania. Therefore, the first step is to identify the main characteristics a potential partner in such a specific supply...
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