Showing 1 - 10 of 17
În literatura de specialitate, insuficienta abordare a problematicii convergenţei face ca legăturile dintre convergenţa reală şi cea nominală să nu fie identificate corespunzător în vederea conturării unor posibile „drumuri de urmat” pentru ţările doritoare a accede în zona...
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The study is based on the critical observations that the competitive market forces alone are not able to assure the convergence with the developed countries. 
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The study defines the three types of convergence – institutional, nominal and real ones –, the connection among them and their main measurement indicators. 
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This study offers from the beginning a survey about the institutional construction in the pre- and post-adhesion stages to European Economic and Monetary Union, about the exchange rate mechanism applied by the different countries and about convergence criteria.
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Romanian Abstract: Securitizarea activelor este o modalitate de finanţare relativ noua şi inovatoare - probabil una dintre cele mai importante tehnici care au avut loc în ultima parte a secolului trecut - dezvoltată pentru a finanţa un fond de active care prin natura lor nu sunt...
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Market economy is characterized at a time, among others, by the existence of twopartners, so that one has some money, a certain amount of capital, and one needs money. The first has money and wants to capitalize on them as possible, and the second wants to enter into possession of a capital base...
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From the multitude of variations of capital investment on the capital market, this work cuts two of them namely capital investments in options contracts and capital investments in straddle contracts. A distinct place it occupies in the paper presentation of the operating mechanisms of the two...
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In last period, the economic environment from Romania favors the apparition of a new category of insurance. In this category can be include “directors and officers liability insurance” – “D&O insurance”. Directors and officers liability insurance protects the persons with attributions...
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At the end of Second World War the world and Europe had been divided into spheres of influence. Eastern Europe was included under the soviet dominance. The entire evolution of all the Eastern European countries was marked by this reality. The eastern bloc had its own way of development, based on...
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The term "electronic banking" or "ebanking" covers both computer and telephone banking. Using computer banking, a charity’s computer either dials directly into its bank's computer or gains access to the bank’s computer over the internet. Using telephone banking, the charity controls its bank...
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