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This article presents the main instruments of the “management of innovation” from the Lisbon Strategy perspective. According to this Strategy until the year 2010 the economy of the European Union have to become the most dynamic and competitive one.
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Romanian Abstract: În general, tehnica militară are un rol distructiv asupra mediului şi, ca atare, în acest domeniu cu greu se pot găsi elemente care să se alinieze la dezideratele conceptului de dezvoltare durabilă, însă pot exista unele posibilităţi de promovare a acestui concept...
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The concept of life cycle stages has a significant impact upon business strategy and performance. 
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The paper is centered on presenting the two main points of view regarding the two concepts analyzed, considering the novelty of the knowledge management domain and the essential role that the universities are playing within knowledge-based economy and knowledge-based society. The conclusion of...
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Sustainable excellence is a modern field of research, a problem for both managers and scientists. The paper offers a method in order to guide the steps toward sustainable development of the industrial companies.With the help of 21 criteria it is measured the increasing accumulated synergy of the...
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Industrial enterprises have to face to more and greater national and international competition and this generates a continuous pressure over them. This desideratum has to be approached with some sufficient distinct means from which the automation is only one moreover possibility. So in this...
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Irrespective of their size, companies seem to be more efficient when they compete with one another, and more creative when they co-operate. 
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The paper deals with the ways how the intangible assets and other objects of intellectual property are identified and assessed at the Research Institute INFOSIT SA in order to participate at national, European and international research projects and for developing partnerships with innovative...
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Romanian Abstract: Inovarea este un deziderat al zilelor noastre. Mass-media, instituțiile naționale și europene, managementul firmelor subliniază importanța acestui concept în supraviețuirea și dezvoltarea firmelor. Inovarea este tratată mai mult ca rezultat și nu privită ca un...
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Romanian Abstract: Uniunea Europeană s-a angajat să realizeze trecerea către o economie cuemisii reduse de carbon. Politicile de eco-inovare reprezintă unul din instrumentele depolitici publice prin care Comisia Europeană încearcă să stimuleze mediul de afaceri șiantreprenorii să vină...
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