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This article explores the development of the Romanian retail market, the recent evolutions on this market and the impact of the recent conflict between the retailers and the Romanian producers, starting from current questions not only in Romania but also at European level. The beginning of this...
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Romanian Abstract: Piaţa internă şi politica de protecţie a concurenţei sunt doi piloni centraliai procesului de integrare europeană. Dificultăţile generate de criza financiară şi economicădin UE au determinat Comisia Europeană să identifice şi să adopte măsurile adecvate...
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Serviciile de consultanţă pentru proiectele cu finanţare europeană nerambursabilă prezintă unele particularităţi notabile. Acestea se referă la procesul de selectare a consultanţilor, derularea misiunii de consultanţă şi modalităţile de plată a serviciilor. În lipsa unor...
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Pornim de la observarea empirică a unei caracteristici a pieţei de consultanţă în management din România, reprezentată de dezechilibrul existent între localizarea cererii şi ofertei de servicii de consultanţă: cererea tinde să fie mai uniform distribuită geografic decât oferta,...
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The Internet and computer networks have changed the way the activities are performed in various fields. Using a computer connected to Internet, the access to services offered in electronically forms is unlimited. The social and human sciences have also been affected by information technologies....
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The following paper reveals the content of a new form of comunication used as vehicle for information between consumers on the Internet. Consumer-Generated Media (CGM) describes a variety of new sources of online information that are created, initiated, circulated and used by consumers intent on...
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