Showing 1 - 10 of 132
The paper analyses the swift growth of bank loans granted to the nongovernmental sector with a special attention on the case of Romania, concluding that it creates several perils for the macroeconomic and financial stability.
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During last decades the interest to financial stability and, as a result, to regulatory and supervisory issues has markedly increased in academic and policy circles. Representative research has been done since that time referring to both financial and banking regulation, however only a few...
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The world financial market is an extremely complex system that involves many different participants from local banks to the central bank of each nation and the investors. Due to its importance on the global economy and our everyday lives it is vital that it is functioning properly....
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Romanian Abstract: Procedura românească a cererilor cu valoare redusă a fost introdusă prin Legea nr. 134/2010, Codul de procedură civilă, sub influența reglementărilor Uniunii Europene. Potrivit art. 1026 (nemodificat din 2010), pragul valoric până la care se poate folosi această...
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În contextul cerinţelor de performanţă impuse de dezvoltarea societăţii bazate pe cunoaştere, privim proprietatea industrială ca pe o pârghie importantă a acesteia. Prin urmare, în acest studiu se prezintă (comparativ) sistemul drepturilor de proprietate industrială şi protecţia...
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În epoca modernă, în care progresul se realizează prin cunoaştere şi se produce/se utilizează cu predilecţie cunoaştere, drepturile de proprietate industrială, protecţia acestora şi instituţiile specializate din domeniu îşi au un important rol dinamizator. Ca urmare, studiul de...
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The present study presents several requirements for stimulating the scientific and technological creation and innovation in the European research area.
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In the context of the performance requirements implied by the development of a knowledge based economy, we look at industrial property as an important tool thereof
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In their article the authors deal with the sensitive issue of export subsidies. This topic is examined from the legal and economic point of view. The first part of the article will deal with legal regulation of international trade and export subsidies in the international public law. Main focus...
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The paper deals with investigations of regulations that enhance business activity. Business activity should be without any impediments along to the current economic approach. Index of Economic Freedom from The Heritage Foundation and Ease of Doing Business from The World Bank are used for this...
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