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with 43.6% in the turnover obtained in franchise system. Therefore, franchising can and should be a successful attempt both …
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Romanian Abstract: Studiul a urmărit conservarea ex situa a speciei Drosera rotundifolia Huds. „roua cerului”, prin cultivare şi înmulţire in vitro, geoelement cu populaţii sărace, critic periclitată (CR), specie rară întâlnită în România numai în Transilvania, având...
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Romanian Abstract: Analiza ex-post joacă un rol din ce în ce mai important în activitatea autorităților de concurență din întreaga lume, autorități ce urmăresc perfecționarea continuă a sistemului de luare a deciziilor. Complexitatea cazurilor, disponibilitatea datelor, nivelul...
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Romanian Abstract: În perioada 9-11 iulie 2004, Convenţia Organizaţiilor de Media a adoptat Statutul Jurnalistului şi Codul Deontologic al Jurnalistului. Convenţia Organizaţiilor de Media (COM) este formată din 33 de asociaţii şi sindicate ale jurnaliştilor, tipografilor şi...
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E-commerce development gives impulse to the process of globalization by exceeding the barriers of the traditional commerce. An E-commerce site can be used by the firms and consumers having an Internet connection from all over the world. E-commerce has two main components: the...
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Both for potential customers and the loyal ones, Web Marketing determines the interactivity degree growth of commercial relationships. Marketing initiatives can be quickly launched and precisely focused on every part of customers’ database, created by means of the Permission Marketing...
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The extraordinary impact of the information technology, everything that is or becomes „e”, puts its mark on the whole economic, social, cultural life of the mankind and virtually governs the whole modern world. In a world dominated by the small „e”, in a world that doesn’t stop talking...
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The triumph of globalization brought the emergence of a new economy. ,,The new economy” is based on the information and telecommunication technology and Internet. It is a digital economy that recognizes the fundamental role of information. That is why firms seek to change their business models...
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E-commerce quickly becomes an instrument of strategic importance for companies. Choosing e-commerce supposes developing and deploying intercompanies architectures supported by the use of information technologies and communications (IT&C) and especially by the Internet technology in commercial...
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