Showing 1 - 10 of 17
Romanian Abstract: Rezoluțiunea contractelor este o instituție reconfigurată în contextul noului cod civil. Astfel, considerăm util acest studiu menit să analizeze clasificările rezoluțiunii, cu accent asupra rezoluțiunii unilaterale care reprezintă un element de noutate legislativă,...
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Romanian Abstract: Studiul de față analizează preluarea de datorie care este o instituție reglementată în premieră la momentul adoptării noului cod civil român. Deși aceasta era și înainte utilizată în practică, practicienii făceau apel la anumite operațiuni juridice pentru a...
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Romanian Abstract: Procedura românească a cererilor cu valoare redusă a fost introdusă prin Legea nr. 134/2010, Codul de procedură civilă, sub influența reglementărilor Uniunii Europene. Potrivit art. 1026 (nemodificat din 2010), pragul valoric până la care se poate folosi această...
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The history of the modern world means the history of the capitalist world. Since the beginning of his civilization, the human has based his economical becoming on money, on capital, on accumulation. When we speak of the past of the capitalism, we speak about different periods of time having...
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New tax rules with effect from 1 May 2009 with a series of changes on the tax deductibility of the value added acquisitions related to transport and fuel use. The measure is very obvious nature of politics in order to bring the state budget amounts as required under the current government crisis...
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Romanian Abstract: Acest articol își propune să prezinte câteva considerente în ceea ce privește consecințele juridice care decurg din încălcarea prevederilor legislației de concurență, mai precis a art.5 și 6 din Legea concurenței nr.21/1996, republicată, cu modificările și...
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This paper I would like to devote to a very narrow area of the liability relevant to the liability of directors. In my opinion the legal regulation dealing with the liability of directors is very specific in contrast to liability of the other person and unfortunately nowadays is that area very...
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The recess of the administrative documents supposes the temporary, provisional cessation of the administrative documents and can be disposed when there is a doubt, an incertitude regarding the lawfulness and opportunity of an administrative document. The recess can be realized by the issuing...
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The public servant’s duty relationship results from the administrative appointment deed. The public servant is a bearer of public function, that he exercises to the extent of his function; he is an agent of public power: an institution of public law; it is bounded by the regulations especially...
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Le choix du délégataire du service public obéit en France à des règles profondément originales qui ne sont ni celles qui ont cours dans les rapports contractuels de droit privé, ni surtout celles qui s’imposent à l’administration lorsqu’elle recherche un partenaire pour exécuter...
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