Showing 1 - 10 of 22
Romanian Abstract: Problematica relaţiilor internaţionale este una de actualitate şi de interes pentru istoriografia europeană, având la bază cunoaşterea legăturilor dintre state, fie ele politice, economice, culturale, militare, religioase etc. Aria cercetării noastre s-a extins, pe de...
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Romanian Abstract: Evaluarea este un element cheie în implementarea programelor finanțate în cadrul politicilor europene. Procesul a suferit în mod constant de-a lungul timpului evoluții conceptuale, perfecționări ale tehnicilor, metodelor și instrumentelor utilizate, progrese în ceea...
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Romanian Abstract: Lucrarea îşi propune aşadar să urmărească elementele de drept succesoral dezvoltate în dreptul roman şi a căror evoluţie a dus la preluarea lor în legislaţie, doctrina şi jurisprudenţa contemporană.Gravitând între efemer şi peren, multe din instituţiile de...
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Romanian abstract: Aceasta revista trateaza subiecte de istorie, istorie economica, arheologie, sociologie istorica, istorie literara si culturala.English abstract: This journal is about history studies, economics history, cultural history, archaeology, sociology, literature
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The paper “Corporate governance in the 2011 of financial crisis: evidence from financial institutions worldwide” examines the role of corporate governance in the financial crisis. A large number of financial institutions have collapsed or were bailed out by governments worldwide since the...
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Corporate governance reforms are occurring in countries around the globe and potentially impacting the population of the entire planet. In developing countries, such reforms occur in a larger context that is primarily defined by previous attempts at promoting “development” and recent...
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In this study authors argues that diversification plays an important role not only in personal financial investment, but also in corporate strategy.
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In spite of the fact that many successful foreign companies pay special attention to reporting preparation with the view of value reporting creating, only some home companies are willing to adopt this experience.
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The corporate governance is a central and dynamic aspect of the businesses. The term governance comes from the latin “gubernare”, meaning to guide and supposes that the corporate governance imply equally both the leadership function and that of control. As is known there are more ways of...
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Problematics of performance analysis appear when the researcher begins to examine sensitive dilemmas related to managerial sciences, such as realiability and characteristics of the information source, or choice between different analysis instruments, within the general framework of corporate...
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