Showing 1 - 10 of 14
Romanian Abstract: Procedura românească a cererilor cu valoare redusă a fost introdusă prin Legea nr. 134/2010, Codul de procedură civilă, sub influența reglementărilor Uniunii Europene. Potrivit art. 1026 (nemodificat din 2010), pragul valoric până la care se poate folosi această...
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Interaction between people is the most different and diverse, from harmony to the conflict , so that when conflicts arise between them, because they are bound by a contract, the legal system offers a wide range of possibilities for settlement, the justice statutes, private ways, without...
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The study “Some considerations on the classification of civil liability depending on the certainty of completion” is dedicated to analysis of theoretical and practical aspects regarding doctrinaire opinion about classification of liabilities in defined or benefit liabilities and liabilities...
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The main resources at hand for the administrative structures are: personnel resource, financial resources, material resources and informational resources interacting with the purpose of ensuring some public services of a certain qualitative level. The human resource is the main factor bringing...
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Habits in a word, are a large category of social rules. They are as old as man and are the first regulations of conformist behaviour in human communities. Habits are spontaneously formed and occur due to the repeated and extended application of a conduct. A habit becomes a rule entered in the...
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Romanian Abstract: Articolul prezintă implicaţiile modernizării politicii ajutoarelor de stat înUniunea Europeană, ilustrând, printr-o analiză cantitativă bazată pe cele mai recentestatistici ale Comisiei Europene („Tabloul de bord18” al ajutoarelor de stat acordate înstatele...
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The first mover for analysis presented in this paper is Amendment to Expert Witnesses and Court Interpreters Act preparation in the Czech Republic. The main aim is to study requirements and quality of expert witness activity in the light of demand of efficiency and quality in knowledge society...
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Romanian Abstract: Conform dispoziţiilor art. 55, alin 1 din Codul de procedură fiscală, organul fiscal are dreptul să apeleze la serviciile unui expert pentru întocmirea unei expertize ori de câte ori consideră necesar. Expertiza se administrează în procedura fiscală a soluţionării...
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Romanian Abstract: Piaţa internă şi politica de protecţie a concurenţei sunt doi piloni centraliai procesului de integrare europeană. Dificultăţile generate de criza financiară şi economicădin UE au determinat Comisia Europeană să identifice şi să adopte măsurile adecvate...
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