Showing 1 - 10 of 48
Romanian Abstract: În contextul actualei crize economice, reducerea costurilor are o importanţă deosebită în orice domeniu de activitate. Totodată, conformarea cu cerinţele de mediu reprezintă de asemenea un factor esenţial. Datorită acestor aspecte, analiza eco-economică,...
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Romanian Abstract: Contribuţia sectorului energetic la producerea schimbărilor climatice este considerată deosebit de importantă, în special prin efectele produse de arderea combustibililor fosili, emisiile de gaze cu efect de sera generate de această activitate fiind considerate una...
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Romanian Abstract: Omul a fost preocupat de-a lungul istoriei evoluţiei sale de folosirea materialelor din jur pentru a-şi uşura şi îmbunătăţi activităţile. De la confecţionarea armelor de vânătoare, uneltelor pentru agricultură şi la realizarea de maşini complexe, omul a preluat...
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Romanian Abstract: Lucrarea îşi propune să prezinte situaţia pieţei agricole din România, înainte şi după criza economică. Interpretarea s-a realizat pe baza datelor statistice provenite de la Institutul Naţional de Statistică, Ministerul Agriculturii, Pădurilor şi Dezvoltării...
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Romanian Abstract: Schimbările climatice reprezintă o provocare globală nu numai pentru viitor, ci şi pentru prezentul nostru. Dezvoltarea fenomenelor de încălzire globală, scăderea precipitaţiilor şi eroziunea solului sunt factori contraproductivi pentru agricultură, elemente care...
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In the Eulerian approach the behavior of the atmospheric pollutants is described relative to a fixed coordinate system. Thus the pollutant concentration is a function depending on the system coordinates and must satisfy the material balance taken over a volume element. Expressed mathematically,...
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In the current document we are referring to the existing data concerning the impact that benzene - which is one of the most important components of different types of fuels - has on Bucharest and on its inhabitants. We are also trying to present possible solutions to this serious problem which...
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The present study wishes to bring to the attention of the reader the alarming impact that the common benzene molecule has on the environment, with unimaginable implications on the human being. Although it has a great economic importance, being used in many industries, specialists are underlining...
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In the paper, considerations on the destruction process of the stratospheric ozone by substances emitted by anthropogenic pollution sources and which reach in the stratosphere by transport from the troposphere are presented. In the stratosphere, the lifetime of these substances is less than in...
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In the Lagrangian approach to the turbulent diffusion the species concentrations are described relative to the moving fluid. This approach is concerned with the behavior of the fluid particle existing in a carrying turbulent fluid. Lagrangian theory describes the statistics of the pollutant...
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