Showing 1 - 10 of 15
Romanian Abstract: Lucrarea prezintă utilizarea metodelor Jacobi şi Seidel Gauss în rezolvarea sistemelor liniare cu aplicaţii în economie. Aceşti doi algoritmi clasici sunt utilizaţi pentru analiza raportului dintre cerere şi ofertă. Se face astfel o analiză a evoluţiei preţului...
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Romanian Abstract: Sistemele liniare sunt utile în analiza situaţiilor în care datele cantitative este necunoscute sau trebuie să fie măsurate şi informaţiile calitative sunt cunoscute; astfel de situaţii apar frecvent în discipline precum economia, biologia, etc. Dezvoltarea de noi...
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The use of the software package is today indispensable for modeling of financial decisions. Business organizations will invariably make greater demands of the software than individual users. Excel is an option along with other software applications tailored to the market, and bespoke (in-house)...
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Romanian Abstract: Această lucrare aduce în atenţie caracteristicile domeniului finanţelor comportamentale. Vom discuta despre posibilitatea de a utiliza metode ale psihologiei cognitive pentru a înţelege dimensiunea iraţională a deciziilor financiare. Vom aborda, de asemenea, procesele...
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De la sfârşitul anului 2005, conform acordului interinstituţional, Uniunea Europeană a lansat un important demers de revedere fundamentală a bugetului comunitar. Demersul a fost determinat nu numai de interesul general valabil de îmbunătăţire a oricărui instrument de lucru, bugetul...
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The paper analyses the effects of global financial crisis and presents some arguments that can contribute to mitigating the effects of economic and financial crisis, and therefore to maintaining the important role that the credit you have in supporting these efforts.
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In the paper there are presented the main negative effects of the world crisis revealed by the analysis performed in SMEs, there are references to some approaches at the international level, and there are formulated some solutions to combat the crisis and relaunch the SME sector in Romania.
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The present financial management systems reflects only partially the economic reality and they are no longer able to act as an instrument for the management. It is absurd that an economy populated by business models based on 21st century technology to use financial management systems based...
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The world had to face last century a series of financial crashes which were felt more or less intense in every country. As the links between national economies became stronger, the consequences of the financial crises spread faster. Thus, giving both governments and citizens more reasons to...
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