Showing 1 - 10 of 123
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Romanian Abstract: În 2010, piaţa internaţională a aluminiului s-a caracterizat printr-o evoluţie pozitivă, atât din punct de vedere al disponibilităţilor de metal, cât şi al revigorării preţurilor. Conform analiştilor de la Biroul Australian al Agriculturii şi Resurselor (The...
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to the World Bureau of Metals Statistics (WBMS) …
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fundamental factors of world tin market in 2009–2011 period …
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Romanian Abstract: În 2011, piaţa internaţională a aluminiului a fost influenţată de climatul economic mondial, caracterizat prin turbulenţe bursiere, în condiţiile crizei financiare din unele state membre ale Uniunii Europene, ale cutremurului devastator ce a lovit Japonia în luna...
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This survey analyzes two types of models: 1. Models based on assumptions of monetary and financial market equilibrium disturbance in line with mainstream thinking to believe that is self-regulating market, the units would have rational expectations, an the crisis would be a temporary phenomenon...
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The use of the software package is today indispensable for modeling of financial decisions. Business organizations will invariably make greater demands of the software than individual users. Excel is an option along with other software applications tailored to the market, and bespoke (in-house)...
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During the decision process, one has to take into consideration more than one criterion, the alternative that meets as many criteria as possible being chosen eventually. As it is impossible to reach the maximum level that is wished for separately for each criterion at the same time, one has to...
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English Abstract: Under the current conditions where the smooth running of the audit activity involves taking into account the multiple aspects to be analyzed for the same problem and, very often, several data sources, the quality, speed and flexibility of reporting in strict relation with the...
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Romanian Abstract: Sistemele liniare sunt utile în analiza situaţiilor în care datele cantitative este necunoscute sau trebuie să fie măsurate şi informaţiile calitative sunt cunoscute; astfel de situaţii apar frecvent în discipline precum economia, biologia, etc. Dezvoltarea de noi...
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