Showing 1 - 10 of 115
New tax rules with effect from 1 May 2009 with a series of changes on the tax deductibility of the value added acquisitions related to transport and fuel use. The measure is very obvious nature of politics in order to bring the state budget amounts as required under the current government crisis...
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Romanian Abstract: Sub egida globalizării şi internaţionalizării economiilor, procese realizate sub impactul presiunilor financiare în care se mai fac resimţite efectele crizei economico - financiare, fiecare ţară, organizaţie, entitate şi chiar individ în parte, trebuie să...
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The paper analyses the effects of global financial crisis and presents some arguments that can contribute to mitigating the effects of economic and financial crisis, and therefore to maintaining the important role that the credit you have in supporting these efforts.
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During last decades the interest to financial stability and, as a result, to regulatory and supervisory issues has markedly increased in academic and policy circles. Representative research has been done since that time referring to both financial and banking regulation, however only a few...
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The paper analyses the swift growth of bank loans granted to the nongovernmental sector with a special attention on the …
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Romanian Abstract: Articolul de faţă îşi propune ca obiectiv fundamental aprofundarea problematicii impactului măsurilor politicii fiscale în domeniul impozitelor directe asupra mediului de afaceri din România, divizat în două obiective operaţionale: măsurile adoptate în domeniul...
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Romanian Abstract: Coordonarea politicilor economice ȋn cadrul Uniunii Europene a devenit un aspect necesar, care ȋnsă trebuie să nu afecteze suvernanitatea fiecărui stat membru şi nici capacitatea acestuia de furnizare a unui cadru propice de dezvoltare. Ȋn timp ce la nivelul...
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