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In an attempt to stay on the market in a more and more competitive environment, banks turn to classifying clients in behavioral types and consequently adapt their offer, their dialogue and negotiation techniques and also their selling tactics. The final goal is to maintain and attract a market...
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The survival and the development of the company in the market economy depends, in a significant way, both on the capacity of reaction to the change and on the nature of the relations with the environment, in general, and with the competitors, in particular. One instrument to deepen the analysis...
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Romanian Abstract: Articolul de faţă îşi propune ca obiectiv fundamental aprofundarea problematicii impactului măsurilor politicii fiscale în domeniul impozitelor directe asupra mediului de afaceri din România, divizat în două obiective operaţionale: măsurile adoptate în domeniul...
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Romanian Abstract: Coordonarea politicilor economice ȋn cadrul Uniunii Europene a devenit un aspect necesar, care ȋnsă trebuie să nu afecteze suvernanitatea fiecărui stat membru şi nici capacitatea acestuia de furnizare a unui cadru propice de dezvoltare. Ȋn timp ce la nivelul...
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In the paper there are presented the main negative effects of the world crisis revealed by the analysis performed in SMEs, there are references to some approaches at the international level, and there are formulated some solutions to combat the crisis and relaunch the SME sector in Romania.
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La taxe sur la valeur ajoutée est un impôt indirect, ayant une large applicabilité dans le monde, mais avec de grandes différences d’un pays à l’autre. Notre recherche a comme support informel le cadre législatif et la pratique dans certains pays européens. Notre propos est de...
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Romanian Abstract: Incertitudinea generalizată reprezintă un fenomen cu care managerii de astăzi se confruntă, ca parte a experienţei lor profesionale, iar existenţa sa face dificil de anticipat modul în care mediul de afaceri va evolua sau care vor fi consecinţele deciziilor pe care un...
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In this study authors argues that diversification plays an important role not only in personal financial investment, but also in corporate strategy.
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In spite of the fact that many successful foreign companies pay special attention to reporting preparation with the view of value reporting creating, only some home companies are willing to adopt this experience.
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