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The work presents a connotative periplus and an evaluation of one of the most dynamic business fields- logistics. Although used for a long time in the military department, logistics has affirmed itself relatively recent in business field, where it brought revolutionary contributions and where it...
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The paper presents both the theoretical approaches concerning direct implementation of knowledge management consisting in standards and frameworks, developed by specific standardization organisms and experienced agents in the field and theoretical models concerning the understanding the concept...
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Logistics management has always been critical for business competitiveness. Companies are trying to make their activity more efficient by reducing costs for storing and transportation. Also they want to be able to respond more rapidly to customer needs by implementing a delivery system that can...
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Romanian Abstract: Derularea profitabilă a oricărei afaceri presupune printre multe altele necesitatea unei organizări riguroase, atât la nivel structural, cât şi procesual, precum şi un sistem Pornind de la aceste considerente, în cadrul cercetării doctorale ne-am propus să...
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E-commerce development gives impulse to the process of globalization by exceeding the barriers of the traditional commerce. An E-commerce site can be used by the firms and consumers having an Internet connection from all over the world. E-commerce has two main components: the...
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The triumph of globalization brought the emergence of a new economy. ,,The new economy” is based on the information and telecommunication technology and Internet. It is a digital economy that recognizes the fundamental role of information. That is why firms seek to change their business models...
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Serviciile de consultanţă pentru proiectele cu finanţare europeană nerambursabilă prezintă unele particularităţi notabile. Acestea se referă la procesul de selectare a consultanţilor, derularea misiunii de consultanţă şi modalităţile de plată a serviciilor. În lipsa unor...
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Accomplishing efficient communication on tourist markets means efficiently developing and operating a communication system, that is designing and implementing an adequate structure of communication activities. Tourist organizations must have a communication strategy according to communication...
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In this article we intend to present a comparative approach between three recognized international methodologies for risk management: RISKMAN, Project Management Institute Methodology-PMBoK and Project Risk Analysis and Management Guide (produced by Association for Project Management).
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Distributions Companies .have a lifecycle and undergo very predictable and repetitive patterns of behaviour as they grow and develop. At each new stage of development an organization is faced with a unique set of challenges. How well or poorly management addresses these challenges, and leads a...
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