Showing 1 - 10 of 55
Romanian Abstract: Procedura românească a cererilor cu valoare redusă a fost introdusă prin Legea nr. 134/2010, Codul de procedură civilă, sub influența reglementărilor Uniunii Europene. Potrivit art. 1026 (nemodificat din 2010), pragul valoric până la care se poate folosi această...
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Romanian Abstract: Acest articol își propune să prezinte câteva considerente în ceea ce privește consecințele juridice care decurg din încălcarea prevederilor legislației de concurență, mai precis a art.5 și 6 din Legea concurenței nr.21/1996, republicată, cu modificările și...
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Romanian Abstract: Piaţa internă şi politica de protecţie a concurenţei sunt doi piloni centraliai procesului de integrare europeană. Dificultăţile generate de criza financiară şi economicădin UE au determinat Comisia Europeană să identifice şi să adopte măsurile adecvate...
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We appreciate that by using the procedure on notarial divorce by agreement between the spouses in the law, the court shall provide relief to those cases, the rapidity resolution, confidentiality, and a maximum time of many safety checks prior to be make notary public in this proceeding.
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Adopt a law on mediation and the mediator profession organization started and the idea that mediation is an important theme of the strategy for justice reform a priority in the Action Plan for implementing the judicial reform strategy 2005-2007. By adopting the law was intended to reduce the...
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One of the goals for Romania, after the 1st January 2007, was to protect the financial interests of the European Union to fight against fraud, corruption and other illegal activities. In order to achieve this target, the legal framework has been completed by the Law no. 161/2003 which introduced...
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Tax claim, as is know, is a economic right relationschip resulting from tax substantive law. Tax claims may also be state or other public entities claims and taxpayers claims. To settle claims on the public budget in mind the taxpayer's realization of the right to refund, refund, compensation...
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The process of forming the witnesses’ declarations involves a moment of achieving the information circumscribed to the crime or to its author, a moment of keeping the perceived information in memory and, finally, the moment of communicating this information to the judicial organs, by...
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This article tries to reveal the existing particularities regarding criminal liability in environmental law, by defining the notion of ecologic offence and making a short synthesis of compared law in this field.
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Every year in Europe, an estimated 10.000 European citizens are arrested and placed in pre-trial detention in a member state other than their country of residence. 80% of them could be transferred. A person kept in custody in a foreign state may be cut off from family and social ties and lose...
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