Showing 1 - 10 of 22
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English Abstract: Public nstitutions are more and more required touse the new communication paradigm brought by the so-called web 2.0, in which a big role is played by social networks. In this paper, we analyzed the Facebook accounts of the Romanian Counties Capital Cities, plus those of the 6...
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Romanian Abstract: Numele schimbat din „Şcoala Normală”, după 1918, în „Liceul Pedagogic..” apare ca urmare a politicii reformatoare Iluministe a autorităţilor monarhiei habsburgice sub Împăratul Francisc I (1792–1835). Şcoala Pedagogicească a naţiei române jertfa...
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Romanian Abstract: Schimbările climatice reprezintǎ ameninţări tot mai mari pentruagricultură, ducând la scǎderea randamentelor de producţie şi la creşterea presiunilorasupra resurselor de apă şi a calităţii solului. Pe de altǎ parte, în contextul tendinţelordemografice...
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Romanian Abstract: Articolul îşi propune să prezinte implicaţiile direcţiilor strategice definanţare ale Politicii Agricole Comune (PAC), în 2015, asupra dezvoltării rurale sustenabileîn statele membre UE, evidenţiind principalele mutaţii privind „noua arhitectură” a...
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The integration process represents an important element for the modernisation process of the marketing department within the agriculture fieeld and food industry.
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One of the biggest problems facing humanity today is the nourishment problem and not as food seen in terms of quantity but especially in terms of quality. Quality of food in general we can say that it is in direct line with the quality of life. A significant part of the world's population lives...
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