Showing 1 - 10 of 99
The mechanical observation provides researchers with valuable information relative to aspects such as: the intensity of the flows of persons/objects; characteristics of the individual or group behavior; individual emotions; intensity of preference; physiological reactions; media audience; reading...
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The logistics information system is part of the information system of the organization that is integrated in the supply chain and is correlated with the partner organizations. An effective logistics information system ensures communication on two levels, between organizations and within the...
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Supply Chain Execution (SCE) software solutions represent an attractive market for both application providers and users. The paper refers to the characteristics of the SCE market and focuses on the warehouse management systems (WMS). The main features and functions of the WMS are addressed. The...
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The interviewer is a major source of errors in surveys, besides the researcher and the respondent. This situation is specific to the types of surveys that rely on the abilities and the activities of the interviewer, such as the street/mall-intercept, the survey at the respondent’ home or the...
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Within the contemporary economic conditions, enterprises might achieve a competitive advantage if only they sell goods and services with high quality and lower prices. Customers, usually, prefer quality goods with acceptable prices, while such goods create reputation with the particular brand....
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Comunicarea de marketing a devenit un fenomen extrem de important prin amploarea si implicatiile sale asupra vietii organizatiilor si a societatii in general. Succesul unei organizatii, atat din punct de vedere economic si financiar, cat si pe plan social, este conditionat de modul in care...
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The interest in brand marketing and management has strongly increased during the last two decades. Brands represent core elements of any marketing strategy and essential assets to any company. Yet, a complete formulation and approach of its definition and significance has been neglected, both in...
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Romanian Abstract: Studiul mediului de afaceri este un aspect esenţial al multor decizii manageriale. Această lucrare abordează analiza factorilor interni şi externi ce pot influenţa semnificativ activităţile organizaţiilor de afaceri
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Les transactions effectuées dans le marché globale de capital (qui a le principal component le marché boursier) et les investissements étrangers directs nécessitent une information préalable pour les investiteurs qui ont des fonds pour être placés. Dans ces conditions les informations...
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Romanian Abstract: Comunicarea rezultatelor evaluării este esențială pentru un proiect sau program, întrucât poate ridica sau reduce valoarea acestuia în fața partenerilor și a publicului larg. Rolul comunicării în acest proces este de a construi o relație între actorii implicați,...
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