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English Abstract: Foreign direct investment (FDI) is a way to supplement domestic sources of financing an economy. It … highlight, based on the analysis and synthesis, both the positive effects of foreign direct investment that can contribute to …. I will also present the directions where foreign direct investment is needed in Romania in order to support the …
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Romanian Abstract: Economia Indiei a făcut faţă recesiunii mondiale în mod remarcabil. Totuşi, în 2011, ritmul de creştere a PIB-ului indian s-a încetinit puternic, acesta majorându-se cu 7,2% faţă de anul precedent, comparativ cu un ritm de peste 10% în 2010. Printre factorii care...
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Romanian Abstract: Anul 2012 a fost marcat de o încetinire a economiei la nivel mondial, ritmul de creştere a Produsului Intern Brut fiind de numai 3,2%, inferior celui înregistrat în anul precedent. Pe ansamblul ţărilor dezvoltate, creşterea economică a fost de 1,2%, în timp ce Statele...
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Romanian Abstract: Economia mondială a fost marcată în anul 2011 de o continuare a creşterii economice post-criză, înregistrând un ritm de evoluţie a Produsului Intern Brut de 3,9%, mai scăzut decât cel înregistrat în 2010 (5,1%). Comerţul internaţional a decelerat la 5,8%, nivel...
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emerging economies and to a lesser extent on the gradual revival of production and investment in developed countries. Short …
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industrial activity and falling investment added to the drop of consumption and exports. Although inflation rate and the fiscal …”. International experts consider that boosting investment is the key driver of economic recovery, but this is only possible together …
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as unfavorable global economic climate, lower demand from the main markets, reduced investment, and on the other hand, to … heavily dependent on the evolution of the international investment climate, but also on the government's ability to remove … investment barriers such as high cost of credit or complex and confusing legislation. Taking into account country …
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Romanian Abstract: În 2008, pe fondul crizei financiare şi economice mondiale, a patra economie ca mărime din Zona euro a intrat într-o fază de recesiune, apreciată de experţii OCDE ca fiind „fără precedent”, atât ca intensitate, cât şi ca durată. Scăderea absolută a ritmului...
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English Abstract: Despite robust domestic demand, tax incentives and public investment programs, Brazil's GDP growth … “connected” through trade and investment flows …
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that the inflation rate is too high, affecting investment and consumption. Given the fact that Brazil hosts the 2014 FIFA … World Cup and the 2016 Olympic Games, involving massive investment in infrastructure and also the current programs to …
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