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The future of business depends, in a determinant way, on the manner in which the companies have the risk under control. In businesses, risk management entails organized activity to manage uncertainty and threats and involves people following procedures and using tools in order to ensure...
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Romanian Abstract: Analiza profitabilitǎţii produselor joacǎ un rol major în deciziile asupra antreprenoriatului. În aceastǎ lucrare vom aborda câteva tehnici simple utilizate în previziune a costurilor, în aprecierea eficienţei produselor şi în evaluarea impactului volumului...
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Actualul context economic se caracterizeaza prin influenta puternica a globalizarii, manifestata prin tendinta de delocalizare a activitatilor marilor intreprinderi. Produsele realizate la mare distanta geografica trebuie aduse in timp util In locurile in care sunt solicitate. Ca atare,...
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Generaly said, trust is an important factor in many social interactions. Because on-line transactions are characterized by uncertainty and anonymity, trust and risk are essential elements in e-commerce and e-government services. There is a statistically significant relationship between trust and...
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The document is an important communication tool between the organization’s departments and in the relations with other companies. The most document management software solutions approach the problem from the point of transition from the old organization systems to the new electronic...
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Romanian Abstract: Evaluarea bunurilor imobile şi în special a spaţiilor comerciale în vederea impozitării poate fi realizată numai de către evaluatori autorizaţi care deţin specializarea evaluarea proprietăţilor imobiliare (EPI), membrii ai Asociaţiei Naţionale a Evaluatorilor...
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One category of intangible assets which can have a significant value for Romanian companies and which are quite used in developed countries are the passing off assets known as the traded personage image assets, category of copyright assets. The passing off assets or the traded character image...
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The present article refers to the bullwhip effect that negatively influences the supply chain performance. This effect is experienced by various industries, from fast moving consumer goods to IT products. The consequences for the supply chain members are the following: increased costs, lower...
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The reality in all organization is that the directors and board are in the position of highest influence and their primary responsibility is leadership. As such, considering the consequences of a recession such as we currently face is not the time for directors to abdicate their responsibilities...
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Distributions Companies .have a lifecycle and undergo very predictable and repetitive patterns of behaviour as they grow and develop. At each new stage of development an organization is faced with a unique set of challenges. How well or poorly management addresses these challenges, and leads a...
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