Showing 1 - 10 of 75
Romanian Abstract: Sub egida globalizării şi internaţionalizării economiilor, procese realizate sub impactul presiunilor financiare în care se mai fac resimţite efectele crizei economico - financiare, fiecare ţară, organizaţie, entitate şi chiar individ în parte, trebuie să...
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In the use of complex data we can’t speak about an increase of informational quality for accounting (if the basic principles are respected, the valence of information remain the same), but it’s a better utilization in the entire informational system. For reaching this major purpose in the...
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Lucrarea se concentrează pe modul în care evaziunea fiscală (sau frauda fiscală) sunt sau pot fi generate de contabilitatea financiară, la nivel organizaţional. În context, sunt dezbătute într-o manieră polemică conceptul şi cauzele evaziunii fiscale pentru a stabili cadrul...
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Ensuring the good functioning of the world economy, the rising trends of oil prices, as well as the strong awareness of environment protection issues, have brought the sustained promotion of alternative energy sources. Bio fuels, as possible substitutes for gasoline and diesel, have acquired a...
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Romanian Abstract: Scopul acestui articol este acela de a arăta importanţa industriei extractive, atât la nivel naţional, cât şi la nivel european şi mondial, în timp constatându-se cu temei, faptul că, acest sector practic implică în mod direct un aspect delicat, respectiv cel de...
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Cet article porte sur la notion de gouvernance d’entreprise à travers ses contenus et son évolution. Depuis une vision disciplinaire jusque dans sa dimension cognitive nous nous interrogeons sur l’existence (ou non) d’un modèle unique vers lequel les systèmes de gouvernance tendent ou...
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The following paper reveals the content of a new form of comunication used as vehicle for information between consumers on the Internet. Consumer-Generated Media (CGM) describes a variety of new sources of online information that are created, initiated, circulated and used by consumers intent on...
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Know-how, managerial ability ,and appropriate marketing strategy are basic requests of success for the industrial companies. This way, firm resources can be optimally valorized providing a reasonable profit, doubled by the long life of the organization. We shall analyze the way managerial...
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Pornim de la observarea empirică a unei caracteristici a pieţei de consultanţă în management din România, reprezentată de dezechilibrul existent între localizarea cererii şi ofertei de servicii de consultanţă: cererea tinde să fie mai uniform distribuită geografic decât oferta,...
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The competition growth constitutes, at the organizations level, one of the major preoccupations for the present context of the social-economic changes. The effects of the globalisation process have been also noticed at tourism industry level, fact which had generated a series of changes both in...
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