Showing 1 - 10 of 15
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Dinicu Golescu’s work can both be considered an artistic reportage and an early form of sociology. Admiring the values of Western culture and civilisation, Dinicu Golescu cannot forget the backwardness of his country: economical, political, social and cultural. Back home, he tries to improve...
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În contextul cerinţelor de performanţă impuse de dezvoltarea societăţii bazate pe cunoaştere, privim proprietatea industrială ca pe o pârghie importantă a acesteia. Prin urmare, în acest studiu se prezintă (comparativ) sistemul drepturilor de proprietate industrială şi protecţia...
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În epoca modernă, în care progresul se realizează prin cunoaştere şi se produce/se utilizează cu predilecţie cunoaştere, drepturile de proprietate industrială, protecţia acestora şi instituţiile specializate din domeniu îşi au un important rol dinamizator. Ca urmare, studiul de...
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The present paper sets out a presentation and an analysis of the patent system in the European Union in the context of the new economic policies accompanying the implementation of the Lisbon Strategy.
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In the last years there have bean many attempts to elaborate strategies for economic and energetic development in Romania, but the unsteadiness of the political frame produces changes of legislative frame. In that social, economical and political context some components of those strategies have...
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The deterioration of the environment is caused by the existence of large urban agglomeration whose main problem is that these are areas where are converging progressive forces which ensure the development of the society on the one hand, as well phenomenon which emphasizes the degradation of the...
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Ensuring the good functioning of the world economy, the rising trends of oil prices, as well as the strong awareness of environment protection issues, have brought the sustained promotion of alternative energy sources. Bio fuels, as possible substitutes for gasoline and diesel, have acquired a...
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Spatiul european a fost conceput imediat dupa al doilea razboi mondial pentru economii inca dominant agricole si pentru care autonomia alimentara constituia o preocupare centrala. Din aceasta cauza, politica agricola comuna a devenit prima axa a constructiei comunitare ajungand sa absoarba pAna...
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Romanian Abstract: Contribuţia sectorului energetic la producerea schimbărilor climatice este considerată deosebit de importantă, în special prin efectele produse de arderea combustibililor fosili, emisiile de gaze cu efect de sera generate de această activitate fiind considerate una...
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