Showing 1 - 7 of 7
În cuprinsul prezentei lucrări sunt examinate valenţele indicatorului “coeficientul de determinare standardizat”, propus de autor, pentru cuantificarea eficienţei utilizării variabilelor explicative şi a ierarhizării condiţiilor care trebuie îndeplinite în cazul unor teste...
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The paper analyses the presuppositions (often implicit) the actual quantitative and logical modelling is based on. In the context, some points of view are proposed, aimed at to eliminate or reduce the incertitude and vagueness generated by the actual way of understanding the macroeconomic modelling.
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The paper discusses the empirical methodology developed by labor economists in order to analyze the gender wage gap.
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Romanian Abstract: Tehnicile seriilor de timp sunt utilizate frecvent în analiza financiară. Această lucrare abordează unele caracteristici ale variabilelor financiare care le particularizează evoluţia. Sunt prezentate, de asemenea, câteva tehnici simple de analiză a seriilor de timp
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Romanian Abstract: Lucrarea de faţă abordează tematica arbitrajului preţurilor dezvoltată de către Stephen A. Ross (1976), care porneşte de la premiza că valorile mobiliare subevaluate pot fi revândute pe o altă piaţă în ideea de a profita în urma diferenţei de preţ, această...
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Market economy is characterized at a time, among others, by the existence of twopartners, so that one has some money, a certain amount of capital, and one needs money. The first has money and wants to capitalize on them as possible, and the second wants to enter into possession of a capital base...
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From the multitude of variations of capital investment on the capital market, this work cuts two of them namely capital investments in options contracts and capital investments in straddle contracts. A distinct place it occupies in the paper presentation of the operating mechanisms of the two...
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