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The following paper reveals the content of a new form of comunication used as vehicle for information between consumers on the Internet. Consumer-Generated Media (CGM) describes a variety of new sources of online information that are created, initiated, circulated and used by consumers intent on...
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Romanian Abstract: Această lucrare propune un instrument economic menit a evalua caracterul (pro)concurențial al diverselor industrii din economia națională. În prima parte a lucrării este prezentat suportul teoretic pe care se bazează indicele agregat de presiune concurențială (IAPC)...
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Romanian Abstract: Sectorul telecomunicațiilor mobile a cunoscut perioade diferite de dezvoltare la nivelul Uniunii Europene. Deşi există numeroase reglementări în acest sector la nivelul uniunii cu care Statele Membre trebuie să se conformeze, sunt şi multiple diferențe între aceste...
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This work presents the optimal resource allocation within a E economy with n goods, I consumers and q producers. For the given economy, it is determined a competition equilibrium with public goods and its Pareto optimum is verified. Two types for financing the public goods production also proposed.
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Improving the performance of public sector is the goal that is high on the policy agenda in almost all industrialized countries. Policy makers in individual countries are increasingly aware of the need to know how they are doing relative to the competition. But, the measuring public performance...
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Local public administration from all European countries has as one of the most important principle the decentralisation mentioned by the fundamental law, sometimes. The researchers in local finances and local governments have defined this principle with different words. The aim of all local...
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Comunicarea de marketing a devenit un fenomen extrem de important prin amploarea si implicatiile sale asupra vietii organizatiilor si a societatii in general. Succesul unei organizatii, atat din punct de vedere economic si financiar, cat si pe plan social, este conditionat de modul in care...
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Communication is a vital phenomenon, a process, an art and a necessary science of men and it’s present in a society in which the competition is every day more intensive. In the economy based on knowledge, the competition terms are more and more drastic, fact which implies permanent...
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Plecand de la ideea ca activitatea de creatie publicitara vizeaza mentalul indivizilor, se ridica o serie de probleme in ceea ce priveste respectarea unor reguli de etica in raport cu consumatorii. Lucrarea de fata ofera un cadru pentru a determina care este perceptia consumatorilor din mediul...
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to reinvent advertising and marketing communications. The tests on our own have turned into a need to professionalize …
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