Showing 1 - 10 of 15
Romanian abstract: Studiul de față prezintă rezultate ale analizei, bazate pe cercetarea de teren realizată cu metode calitative în ianuarie 2020. Prin intervievarea a 40 persoane aparținând de trei grupuri de lideri – administrații publice locale, composesorate, organizații...
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Romanian abstract: Acest studiu constă în prezentarea unor rezultate bazate pe o cercetare sociologică care relevă cunoștințele, opiniile, respectiv sugestiile respondenților despre siturile Natura 2000 menționate în titlu. Cercetarea de teren a fost realizată pe parcursul lunii august...
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Nowadays, contemporary organizations within Romanian economic environment are striving to reach the environmental and quality performance standards set up by the European Union, concerning the environmental protection and preservation. Under these circumstances, the organizations are highly...
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Romanian Abstract: În contextul dezvoltării regionale şi globale, monitorizarea mediului şi găsirea unor soluţii pentru depăşirea provocărilor legate de mediu prezintă o mare importanţă şi aduce o mulţime de beneficii din punct de vedere socio-economic. Scopul acestei lucrări este...
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Romanian Abstract: Plantele cultivate trebuie protejate prin măsuri specifice – tratamente fitosanitare – datorită capacităţii lor de autoapărare reduse împotriva unor factori biotici nefavorabili (buruieni, boli şi dăunători). Principala direcţie de perfecţionare a tehnologiilor...
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Phenomena that take place at a global level, beyond any control of national governments are subject of great controversies. Even if there is a little knowledge about how to control these processes, scientists are interested in assessing effects of globalization. Because a large part of the...
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In the current document we are referring to the existing data concerning the impact that benzene - which is one of the most important components of different types of fuels - has on Bucharest and on its inhabitants. We are also trying to present possible solutions to this serious problem which...
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Despite the considerable progress achieved by Romania in regenerative energies, especially for the hydro energy, the energy production from biomass still has a great unused potential compared with other EU countries. The interest for biomass has increased over the last years in the EU also in...
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One of the biggest problems facing humanity today is the nourishment problem and not as food seen in terms of quantity but especially in terms of quality. Quality of food in general we can say that it is in direct line with the quality of life. A significant part of the world's population lives...
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