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In decursul timpului, pe masura ce intreprinderile s-au dezvoltat progresiv, devenind complexe ca structura si compozitie, sarcinile managerilor au devenit inevitabil din ce in ce mai complicate si apasatoare. Acest lucru a condus in cele din urma la adoptarea planificarii de un numar cat mai...
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the man with the nature and with the society from inside him, within the micro-cosmos where he lives near by other living …
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Aceasta lucrare isi propune sa prezinte pe de o parte factorii ce asigura implementarea cu succces a planificarii, dar si modelul multidimensional al acesteia, cu cele trei laturi: analitica, comportamentala si organizationala. De asemenea, sunt dezvoltate sectiunile planului strategic, si...
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Conceptul de planificare strategica in marketing management a evoluat la interactiunea dintre marketing management, strategie si planificare. Majoritatea firmelor in special marile corporatii formate din mai multe divizii sau unitati strategice de afaceri au dezvoltat un sistem ierarhic de...
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Most of the international commercial transactions consist of merchandise and capital flows. The fluidization of these flows implies special financing techniques or the use of some payment instruments adequate to the purpose: minimum risk, time and cost. The payment sources or instruments can...
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from society, professions, laws, stories, heroes, values on competition or service, etc. Outputs are organizational …
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Sociological reflection on medicine and health is based, on the one hand, on the multidimensional reality of the „health" phenomenon and on the other hand, on the old sense of sociology which is, according to its founders, a science of welfare and human freedom. In this respect, the problems...
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Habits in a word, are a large category of social rules. They are as old as man and are the first regulations of conformist behaviour in human communities. Habits are spontaneously formed and occur due to the repeated and extended application of a conduct. A habit becomes a rule entered in the...
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