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From the theoretical point of view, it has been stated that there is a considerable probability that some cultural aspects could affect the economic environment and, consequently, the managerial accounting. While this statement has a certain suppositional degree, we will try to test the...
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In decursul timpului, pe masura ce intreprinderile s-au dezvoltat progresiv, devenind complexe ca structura si compozitie, sarcinile managerilor au devenit inevitabil din ce in ce mai complicate si apasatoare. Acest lucru a condus in cele din urma la adoptarea planificarii de un numar cat mai...
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The economic education, together with the other forms of the integral education, serves to an uninterrupted struggle of the man with the nature and with the society from inside him, within the micro-cosmos where he lives near by other living being, searching the ascension by means of permanent...
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Aceasta lucrare isi propune sa prezinte pe de o parte factorii ce asigura implementarea cu succces a planificarii, dar si modelul multidimensional al acesteia, cu cele trei laturi: analitica, comportamentala si organizationala. De asemenea, sunt dezvoltate sectiunile planului strategic, si...
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Conceptul de planificare strategica in marketing management a evoluat la interactiunea dintre marketing management, strategie si planificare. Majoritatea firmelor in special marile corporatii formate din mai multe divizii sau unitati strategice de afaceri au dezvoltat un sistem ierarhic de...
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and the performance - the achieved potentiality showen in material or spiritual products or servicies and which is, often …
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Improving the performance of health sector human resources is a goal pursued by all developed or developing countries … achieve quality performance in health care is human resources management. To overcome the human resources crisis that public …
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education institutions in Romania have understood that only by means of performance and competence we may reach the global …
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