Showing 1 - 10 of 67
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Romanian Abstract: În general, tehnica militară are un rol distructiv asupra mediului şi, ca atare, în acest domeniu cu greu se pot găsi elemente care să se alinieze la dezideratele conceptului de dezvoltare durabilă, însă pot exista unele posibilităţi de promovare a acestui concept...
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Romanian Abstract: Cea de a patra revoluție industrială, caracterizată prin proliferareaenergiilor verzi, prin impactul deosebit al Internetului, extinderea robotizării,biotehnologiilor, nanotehnologiei, microeletronicii, materialelor avansate, prin apariția șiextinderea rapidă a...
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Romanian Abstract: La ora actuala, mari volume de date se acumuleaza si cantitatea lor se spune ca se dubleaza la fiecare noua luni. De aceea, cautarea cunoasterii in date in cantitati mari devine una dintre cele mai dorite atribute ale Data Mining -- "mineritului datelor". Datele sunt de fapt...
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English Abstract: Public nstitutions are more and more required touse the new communication paradigm brought by the so-called web 2.0, in which a big role is played by social networks. In this paper, we analyzed the Facebook accounts of the Romanian Counties Capital Cities, plus those of the 6...
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Romanian Abstract: Ceea ce numim Revolutia Informationala ar putea fi de fapt inceputul Revolutiei Cunoasterii. Cea care a facut posibila automatizarea proceselor nu e masina. Ea e doar declansatorul. O forma de reorganizare a muncii traditionale bazata pe secole de experienta a devenit...
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The paper aims to provide an overview of the current issues in IT investments management. Topics such as IT investments evaluation, the reflexive relationship between the business context and IT investments are analyzed in detail. Also, the paper analyzes the impact of time over IT investments...
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In the paper, considerations on the destruction process of the stratospheric ozone by substances emitted by anthropogenic pollution sources and which reach in the stratosphere by transport from the troposphere are presented. In the stratosphere, the lifetime of these substances is less than in...
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The paper presents the particularities of the logistics and supply chain management in the pharmaceutical industry and discusses the factors which influence drugs diffusion speed on the Romanian market. On the one hand, customer satisfaction, as an outcome of successful customer relationship...
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The paper is centered on presenting the two main points of view regarding the two concepts analyzed, considering the novelty of the knowledge management domain and the essential role that the universities are playing within knowledge-based economy and knowledge-based society. The conclusion of...
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