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Game-theoretic model of election to a corporate board of directors is proposed. It is shown that the equilibrium distribution of seats is unique. The uniqueness guarantees nonmanipulability of elections. The distribution is obtained by the d’Hondt method of seats distribution in proportional...
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The paper addresses the issue of linguistic diversity and its impact on economic policy and political decisions. Importance of the topic is illustrated by examination of optimal sets of official languages in the European Union. It is shown that alternative estimation methods of language...
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Software market is considered as a new object for the mathematical economics. A statistical study of the server operating systems market is provided, static and dynamic models of for-profit and non-for-profit software developers mixed duopoly are built (taking into account market growth,...
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A model of the economic system with the property rights distributed among several agents is considered. The effect of property rights allocation on the economic efficiency of the management strategies is studied.
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The effect of competition among self-regulatory organizations (SRO) on the efficiency of the corresponding goods and services markets is considered. It is shown that under certain conditions the competition among SRO worsens the quality of the goods and services and leads to decrease in...
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Based on the approaches of mesoeconomics, institutional theory, game theory and active systems theory, a set of models has been developed that allows us to study the influence of the structure of agents' relationships in socio-economic systems on their activities and performance. The general...
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A sequential truel is a generalisation of duel. This type of games is known because of the «survival of the weakest» paradox, where weakest player have the highest probability of survival. We analyse a typical variation of this model, in which players are allowed to shoot in the air. We show...
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One of the instruments of market competition regulation is the formation of a hierarchical structure of producers by providing some of them with the preferential terms of business. In addition to the changes in market prices, the sale of privileges to producers allows consumer to extract some...
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The effect of property rights allocation on characteristics of the vertically integrated company and properties of the corresponding market equilibria are studied. It is shown that partial integration can induce inefficient super-monopolistic market equilibria and unbalance in the functioning of...
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The author considers economic systems with the property rights distributed among several agents. It is shown that outside interests of the owners make management strategies dependent on the property rights allocation. Unfavorable initial property rights allocation together with the barriers on...
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