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The paper discusses convergence of evolutionary dynamics to mixed equiliria including different behavior strategies. Models of cooperative and altruistic behavior spreading are considered. The paper reveals special features of human behavior evolution in comparison with behavior in biological...
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We consider a simplified model of finance market where two players carry on direct multistage bidding with risky assets (shares). One of the players (the insider) is informed on the liquidation price of a share, the other player knows its probability distribution only. It is shown that the...
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A sequential truel is a generalisation of duel. This type of games is known because of the «survival of the weakest» paradox, where weakest player have the highest probability of survival. We analyse a typical variation of this model, in which players are allowed to shoot in the air. We show...
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Dynamic model of efficient allocation of water with three sources of water supply (groundwater, surface water and the recycling technology with limited capacity) is constructed and analyzed. It is shown that in case of binding capacity constraint we can abandon the use of groundwater at some...
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By using the Pontryagin maximum procedure the author has found an optimal dynamic rule for the distribution of labor, investment, and material resources between the sectors of the open three-sector economy according to the maximi-zation criterion of discounted marginal consumption
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Russian Abstract: Актуальность. Эффективное развитие продовольственного рынка с учетом интересов его участников предопределяет поиск новых подходов их...
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Russian Abstract: Предложены модели, описывающие зависимость рыночной стоимости полувагонов от возраста, и соответствующая таблица процентов обесценения
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Russian Abstract: При оценке подержанных машин и оборудования используются зависимости их рыночной стоимости от возраста. Обрабатывая рыночные данных о ценах реальных...
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We discuss the classification of local generic singularities of so called transitivity zones, arising in control theory and determined by a family of closed submanifolds in a linear space depending on parameters. Transitivity zone consists of parameter values such that the origin belongs to the...
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The dynamic method of forecasting of the economy development is substantiated and the characteristics of its state are appointed. Presented are variants of the prognoses of changing the state of the economy, which were obtained by the method of dynamic modeling.
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