Showing 1 - 10 of 46
Russian Abstract: Оценка моделей с изменяющимися во времени параметрами нашла широкое распространение в макроэкономических исследованиях, реализуемых в течение...
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Russian abstract: В втором квартале 2020 г. безработица в России умеренно росла, в третьем и четвертом кварталах, несмотря на восстановление экономики, она оказалась...
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In our paper, we use the gravity model of the international trade to estimate the effect of the future WTO ascension for Russia based on the current WTO effect for Russia's WTO trade partners. Starting from Rose's specification, we constructed several progressively exact models. Nevertheless,...
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Statistical evidences that some transmission channels of «resource curse» operate in Russian economy at regional level are received. Incomes from export of power resources and gratuitous federal transfers play a role in increase of officialdom, in distortion of regional elite behavior, and...
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Russian Abstract: В препринте на основе стохастического анализа SFA предложены оценки технической эффективности 78 регионов России в 2011-2016 годы, учитывающие...
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In this paper, we investigate the impact of informality on earnings inequality in Russia using the RLMS - HSE data for 2000-2010. We apply decompositions based on the recentered influence functions of unconditional quantiles proposed by Fipro, Fortin and Lemieux (Fipro et al., 2009). Our results...
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Russian Abstract: Второй выпуск Национального Доклада, разработанного специалистами Российской академии народного хозяйства и государственной службы при Президенте...
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According to the Mehlum-Moene-Torvik model, the influence of institutions and natural resources on the level of GDP is ambiguous: depending on the value of a threshold function of institutional quality and natural resource endowment, the economy may be in one of the two equilibrium types -...
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Econometric models lead to the conclusion that presently the migratory population increase in the Russian Federation is determined mostly by the economic-demographic situation in the post-Soviet countries rather than in Russia itself Gradually Russia becomes less and less attractive for...
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In this paper we study the impact of the frequency of advertising on the product sales We introduce response function and postulate its properties Parametric classes of functions which can serve as response functions are suggested We use real data on advertising impact to estimate response...
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